TAREA and URBIS Foundation Fight Climate Change

Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) in cooperation with German partner URBIS Foundation of Bayern are implementing the project that contributes to the fighting of climate change.

Tanzania is already experiencing adverse negative impacts of climate change like the rising water of Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria.

TAREA and URBIS Foundation are providing institutional efficient cooking stoves to the secondary schools in Malinyi District. Two secondary schools have already received 4 cooking stoves. One stove has a capacity of 200 litres.

The stoves are manufactured locally by Envotec Services Ltd and they have the efficiency of reducing the consumed firewood by more than 50% and enable complete fuel combustion reducing greenhouse gases.

TAREA has a plan to scale up the program to reach other secondary schools within the district and beyond.

The schools are encouraged to plant trees that will enable sustainable fuelwood supply and play the role of the carbon sink.

The initiatives will contribute to the reversing of progressive climate change.